Pedal Devils
Pedal Devils prove that even if you’re not out for glory, you can still ride like a bat out of hell
A group of cyclists just in it for the love of the ride. There’s no aerodynamic jerseys on display here, and brakes are definitely optional. The uniform? A mismatch of band tees and a shirt that someone got for free out of an air cannon (nice!)
A license to be wild ——
An unconventional brief means breaking convention and a chance to do something to stand out. We went for a cheeky, laid-back approach to Pedal Devils’ brand identity, introducing some colorful and spirited illustrations designed to turn heads when turning cranks.
Some early exploration work
Church of merch ——
Some easy wearing apparel and very slappable stickers help fly the flag without making too much of a fuss. After all, just because you’re only in it for a good time doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look sharp while you’re doing it. You’re starting to wonder if maybe it’s an issue that you don’t own a pair of dress shoes but have a baker’s dozen camp hats, but then again, what’s the harm in one or two more?